
Sun Microsystems Inc. CEO Jonathan Schwartz on Thursday used his blog to dispute Network Appliance Inc.'s charge that Sun's ZFS file system technology infringes on seven NetApp patents.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 17 years 26 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 25 weeks ago
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ajc's picture


17 years 25 weeks 5 days 22 hours ago


I'm not at all happy about this.

I'm not at all happy about this. Sun is tepid on open source but is now invoking the name of open source as if to claim that all of us are on its side in its legal wranglings.

Tellya what, Jonathan: if you make ZFS *truly* *free* software by licensing it under GPL, so it can be used in the Linux kernel, then we'll join you in your quest to out-legal NetApp. Until then, you're on your own.

mattflaschen's picture


17 years 25 weeks 5 days 21 hours ago


ajd, CDDL is a free software license.

ajd, CDDL is a free software license. I like the GPL, but saying it is the one true software license is just wrong.

spikeb's picture


17 years 25 weeks 5 days 12 hours ago


Sun is actually pretty good about

Sun is actually pretty good about open source - they've contributed a lot of stuff over the years, and have contributed to many many projects, not the least of which is GNOME.

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