
The GNU General Public Licence is falling in popularity, according to figures released by Black Duck that looked at all versions of the GPL as a whole.

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MrSnippity's picture
Created by MrSnippity 15 years 8 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:
lozz's picture


15 years 8 weeks 1 day 43 min ago


Pigs fly, too

Typical ZDNet article.

M$ "open source" collaborators, Black Duck, are claiming that the GPL is going backwards while M$ licenses are steaming ahead.

Coming from a reputable trio like that, it's just got to be true.

Hasn't it?

Ubuntu87's picture


15 years 8 weeks 16 hours 5 min ago


Yeah.. Right!

GNU GPL is falling in popularity, huh?

I would believe it if you said that an elephant accidentally morphed into a rabbit. But this? This is too silly to be true.

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