
Here are some more screenshots for you, showing the real Santa Cruz Operation relationship with Linux before the modern day SCO Group began suing the world and its dog. Back in the late 1990s, Santa Cruz had what it called its "Linux strategy". It included both money and support to help Linux succeed.

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balugani's picture
Created by balugani 16 years 7 weeks ago
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lozz's picture


16 years 7 weeks 11 hours 42 min ago


What might have been

Not only a good bit of history on SCO, but also of history on GNU/Linux itself.

Alas, what might have been, before Darl McBride foolishly decided to adopt the M$ philosophy of, "Let's sue everybody and see how much we can make".

He got his just deserts, but took the company down with him.

Read this history and feel scared, Ron Hovesepian, feel very scared.

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