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I thought you might like to see the actual filings in the Viacom v. YouTube/Google litigation. In April, Viacom filed a First Amended Complaint [PDF] and YouTube/Google has now filed its Answer [PDF]. If you'd like to see the original complaint and answer from 2007, for comparison purposes, we have it as text here on Groklaw.
Here's the complaint filed by Microsoft against TomTom, NV and TomTom, Inc., alleging patent infringement, as PDF and as text. We'll be setting up a Timeline page for it after TomTom files its answer.
As I mentioned earlier, SCO is asking the court [PDF] to let it amend its complaint against AutoZone, which is probably the only way it can go forward unless the appellate court rules in SCO's favor -- and then a jury does too, down the road apiece. We have the motion and the proposed amended complaint as text now.
I'm talking about Novell's November 2004 antitrust complaint against Microsoft, filed shortly after settling an different, OS-related, complaint with Microsoft for $536 million. You can view the second complaint, which I'll call the "WordPerfect" complaint, here [PDF] on GrokLaw.
I thought you'd want to know that Sun's general counsel, Mike Dillon, has posted the latest on the NetApp v. Sun litigation. Sun has filed its Answer with Counterclaims to NetApp's Complaint in Texas, and it has also filed a Complaint in California.
Sean Daly has kindly prepared a text version of the EU-LEX notice of Microsoft's complaint against the EU Commission, found in the latest EU Official Journal. Microsoft says the fine announced in February is too high. It should be annulled, and if not, they ask that it be reduced. Oh, and it would like the EU Commission to pay costs.
The European Commission confirmed it has received a complaint about Microsoft's business practices from a British government agency Tuesday, but isn't following it up as it normally would with an antitrust complaint, according to a press officer.
The Taiwanese phone manufacturer just filed a complaint with the International Trade Commission, asking for importation and sales of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod be halted due to alleged infringement of five patents.
The organazation OSL (www.osl.dk) (Danish organazation of OpenSource vendors) has officially posted a complaint to ISO (and Danish Standards). The complaint is regarding the process in the Danish National Body.