Red Hat has speedily responded to SCO's Objection to Red Hat's claim:
06/23/2009 - 816 - Response / Red Hat, Inc.'s Preliminary Response to Debtor SCO Group, Inc.'s Objection to Claim of Red Hat, Inc. Filed by Red Hat, Inc.. (Millar, James) (Entered: 06/23/2009)
06/23/2009 - 817 - Certificate of Service (related document(s) 816 ) Filed by Red Hat, Inc.. (Millar, James) (Entered: 06/23/2009)
Red Hat is letting the court know that it cares about its litigation, it intends to vigorously pursue it as soon as the bankruptcy stay is lifted, and its claim should not be thrown off a cliff without giving Red Hat notice and an opportunity to be heard.
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15 years 14 weeks 2 days 21 hours ago
Never-ending Saga
Henry II would have said, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent bankrupt?"