AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Digium is taking new steps to promote SwitchVOX unified communications and Asterisk -- the open source IP PBX -- to partners. And the efforts seem to be gaining more momentum. Here are the details.
DotNetNuke, which makes an open source content management system, seems to be gaining traction with channel partners. The company, which supports Microsoft .NET environments, has gone from zero to about 800 software partners in the past year. Here's how.
While Red Hat, Novell, Canonical and other Linux distribution providers continue to gain momentum, most of the Linux chatter has very little to do with small business success -- where Microsoft's grip on customers remains firm. Here's why.
CHENNAI: Efforts to promote Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) have gathered momentum in the country, mainly due to emergence of "Linux User Groups" (LUGs) and recognition by academics and government.
As Ubuntu 10.04's debut approaches in April 2010, the hype has started: Plenty of folks are writing the usual Ubuntu vs. Windows or Ubuntu vs. Mac OS X stories. But another theme is emerging, and it involves Canonical's Ubuntu Server Edition and Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) strategies - both of which are showing some momentum. Here's why.
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) - stewards, incubators, and developers of leading Open Source projects - today announced that both the organization's community and its meritocratic process (known as "the Apache Way") continues to gain recognition as one of the most influential, prominent, and innovative leaders in Open Source.
"As you will recall, V1, the INCITS Technical Committee that addresses document format standards, was unable to reach consensus on a recommended US vote to either approve or reject DIS 29500, the draft ISO/IEC standard that describes Microsoft's OOXML formats. As expected, Microsoft is seeking to gain a US vote in favor of OOXML..."