
I still continue to find articles on the internet downplaying the seemingly normal and sweeping adoption and acceptance of the GPLv3 license. This should point out a few things that indicate that GPLv3 is "here to stay".

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 17 years 7 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 7 weeks ago
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dehumanizer's picture


17 years 7 weeks 5 days 5 hours ago


"We have quietly passed 5000 GPLv3

"We have quietly passed 5000 GPLv3 projects (and related) as a combined number from:

Or later

The whole hype is based upont the false fact that "v2 or later" is the same as v3. This means that one can relicense the _derived_work_ under v3 but the original software is not v3. So this is the usual Palamida-style misinformation.

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