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Here are just some among many takes on a talk about software patents and the Bilski case, courtesy of Professor Eben Moglen
Paula Rooney: Moglen: Bilski decision set back patent reform for more than a decade
"I became a fan of Eben Moglen when I saw this quote from him: “We also live in a world in which the right to tinker is under some very substantial threat. This is said to be because movie and record companies must eat. I will concede that they must eat. Though, like me, they should eat less.” This logic could be applied across the board in society! Computerworld recently featured an interview with Eben Moglen..."
To orchestrate change you need someone who can balance vision with pragmatism. In Eben Moglen the proponents choreographing the software patents debate have such a leader.
"Philippe Aigrain of the Software Freedom Law Center has kindly agreed to organize a meeting between Eben Moglen, Executive Director of the SFLC, and "one of the world's most experienced GPL enforcers", and OW2 Members. This meeting will take place in Paris, France, on Thursday, June 5, 2-4pm, on the premisses of the Sopinspace company..."
"...If you haven't read this interview with Eben Moglen, you really should. Eben discusses both the practical and the philosophical side of Free Software and Free Information..."
Few presentations at conferences in the coming years will manage to combine the intellectual depth and delivery skills shown by Eben Moglen in this penetrating analysis of privacy and technology. Moglen poses an important question; namely, what will be the most successful intelligence organizations of the 21st century?
"I just got a note from Joe Latone of IBM Research that brought the happy news that the video of Eben Moglen’s talk Copyleft Capitalism, GPLv3 and the Future of Software Innovation, given at at IBM Research on October 29, 2007, is now available online: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2408787365037153871 ..."
Eben Moglen gave a talk last week on ``Freedom In the Cloud: Software Freedom, Privacy, and Security for Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing''. If you are interested in the problem of network services, you need to watch this!