AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"...Improvement of the political dialogue and relations between social movements, citizens, scientists and research institutions for a better democratic process in sciences’ decision making..."
"...Nearly 300 delegates, coming from 18 countries on 4 continents, shared on the place that sciences and technologies have on the “march of the world”, on their evolutions and on the necessity of the emergence, on an international scale, of a network-space, which could put in prospects the working of the scientific insti
"...It is time for scientists to reconnect their work and expertise with a wider role in society, to become Citizen Scientists [...] By doing science differently, these scientists and others like them are challenging assumptions about the why, the how and the what of twenty-first century science." — via Lionel Larqu
Thomas Lord: «...The more urgent issue concerns the emerging W3C-based world: what will GNU have to offer there?» -- Miles Bader: «Hopefully, an alternative...» --
"The version Amaya 11.1 is now available.The main reason of that release is to fix buffer overflows that might be exploited by remote attackers ..." -- NB: Amaya is free software licensed under the
«As an American and native English-speaker myself, I have previously been reluctant to suggest this, lest it be taken as a sort of cultural imperialism.
"...We can only promote the commons as a new narrative for the 21st century if they are identified as a common denominator by different social movements and schools of thought. In my point of view, enforcing the commons would be not only possible, but strategically intelligent.