
Remember the Dig Dug or Centipede or Robotron? They used to be favorites when Atari’s 7800 series was still around. Now since the era of those consoles is over and a different world of interactive reality gaming has taken over, Atari has unofficially released source code of over 15 games for the coders and enthusiasts to admire.

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sockpuppet's picture
Created by sockpuppet 15 years 13 weeks ago
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aboutblank's picture


15 years 13 weeks 5 hours 42 min ago


Open source is in question

The Open Source status to this software is not certain. Atari (the copyright holders to these titles) have not publically authorised the publication of these software titles to be open source.

It seems like someone shared the source code to these titles without the explicit authority to share it.

akf's picture


15 years 13 weeks 4 hours 20 min ago


not open source

This is not open source! Only the source code was published, but without a license.

This shows again that the term "Open Source" also is confusing. To some it means only, that the source code is somehow "open", ie. visible. But that is not the official definition of the term.

The term "free software" is less confusing, because it clearly states that freedom is the goal. Okay, that term is also confusion to some. Both terms are.

BTW. nevertheless it is very interesting to see, that they were written in assembler!

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