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How does an enterprise ensure that its staff has the skills necessary for Linux? One answer is skills certification. That's where the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) comes in. LPI, founded in 1999, is a non-profit entity that runs a core Linux certification program called the LPIC (Linux Professional Institute Certification), which is offered around the globe.
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certifies Linux system administrators at two levels. Each certification level has two exams: the 101 and 102 exams for junior-level certification (LPIC-1, or certification level 1), and the 201 and 202 exams for intermediate-level certification (LPIC-2, or certification level 2).
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world's premier Linux certification organization, announced that its affiliate organization LPI-Spain ) had partnered with Proyecto Universidad Empresa (PUE) to promote LPI certification and training within Spain's public schools.
Almost any IT related job requires interacting with an operating system at some point, and between them Windows and RedHat Linux cover a large portion of the market.
Obviously your choice of certification will depend largely on the equipment you are working with, but with that disclaimer aside, which certification is should you be most proud of?
During a phone conversation yesterday, a trusted source discussed open source and Linux certification with The VAR Guy. It was an interesting chat, but our resident blogger is looking further down the road and expects Asterisk certification to be the next big trend for VoIP solutions providers. Here’s why.
The BSD Certification Group, (BSDCG) held its first in-person BSDA certification exam session for systems administrators during SCALE last month in Los Angeles. Subsequent tests were then held held during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium, and Linux-Tage Chemnitzer in Chemnitz, Germany.
…to my wallet... Wandering for the net today, I had the luck/misfortune to follow a Google advertising link about some Ubuntu certification courses. The ad recited something like “Ubuntu Certification Corse for only 3100€ !”. Holy crap, I really had to click.
Novell Inc. and The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) today announced an international partnership to standardize their entry-level Linux certification programs on LPIC-1. Under this program, Linux professionals who have earned their LPIC-1 status will also satisfy the requirements for the Novell® Certified Linux Administrator (CLA) certification.