
So I've been privy to, and sometimes involved in, many conversations about the Linux ecosystem. How it evolved, how it is now, and where it will go from here. The most important factor has been how Linux kernel development has been funded over the years and what needs to happen to ensure it remains funded.

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Created by extra 16 years 6 weeks ago
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16 years 6 weeks 1 day 21 hours ago


“Ecosystem” vs. Community

This shows why GNU matters...

«... It is a mistake to describe our community (or any community) as an “ecosystem”, because that word implies the absence of (1) intension and (2) ethics. In an ecosystem, species evolve according to their fitness. If something is weak, it goes extinct, and that's neither right nor wrong. The term “ecosystem” implicitly suggests a passive attitude: “Don't ask how things should be, just watch what happens to them”.

By contrast, beings that have ethical responsibility can decide to preserve something that, on its own, would tend to vanish—such as civil society, democracy, human rights, peace, public health, … or computer users' freedom... »

source: Some Confusing or Loaded Words and Phrases that are Worth Avoiding

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