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Red Hat announced that announced that a European branch of the the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has implemented its Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Red Hat Network. NYSE Euronext is using RHEL for key components of its "mission-critical," high-speed financial trading environments, Red Hat said.
The New York Stock Exchange is investing heavily in x86-based Linux systems and blade servers as it builds out the NYSE Hybrid Market trading system that it launched last year. Flexibility and lower cost are among the goals. But one of the things that NYSE Euronext CIO Steve Rubinow says he most wants from the new computing architecture is technology independence.
Red Hat started off on the NASDAQ in 1999 then moved to the NYSE in 2006. Two years later, the NYSE itself moved to Linux as the underlying operating system for trading operations. While financial services are a key vertical for Red Hat, it's not the only one.
Red Hat (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that Ecuador’s Internal Revenue Service, SRI Ecuador, has developed a stable, secure and affordable platform for its Internet-based tax return project using a combination of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
Linux vendor Red Hat (NYSE:RHT) today announced the beta availability of its next virtualization platform -- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) 2.2.
The Beagle Board is an inexpensive platform for learning how Linux and small systems work. The Beagle Board is an open-hardware single-board computer that is both inexpensive and capable of running Linux® at a reasonable speed. Get to know the Beagle Board, and learn how to get a Linux development environment together on the cheap.
Linux and open source software are a key component in the underlying infrastructure of the finance industry, but the higher layers of the stack are still dominated by a multitude of proprietary, in-house solutions. A software startup called Marketcetera aims to change that with a new, open source platform for building automated trading systems.