"...In the offensive-defensive technological arms race between the corporate state’s attempts to keep proprietary content under lockdown, and free people who want to freely distribute information, the latter will always be a step ahead. Business models that depend on proprietary content are simply becoming untenable for technological reasons, and all the horses and men of the RIAA and MPAA together can’t put them together again."
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15 years 43 weeks 5 days 17 hours ago
The newspaper industry's calls, to the Kerry Committee, to create an "exception" to the antitrust laws, so that they can agree upon actions against online news aggregators, means FSD, along with many others.
The newspaper industry hates us, and independent online journalists, as much as Microsoft hates Free Software. Monopolists stick together against outside threats and Murdoch enjoys a total monopoly in Australia.
Get ready to raise the barricades!