
Oracle have begun to charge for the ODF Plugin, originally supplied by Sun as a closed source but free download plug-in for Microsoft Office

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Created by linuxlooooser 14 years 24 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 23 weeks ago
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14 years 23 weeks 4 days 9 hours ago


Not Free Software

This particular news isn't exactly about free software. This 'ODF plug-in software for Microsoft Office' has always been proprietary software. The fact that Oracle now charges a fee to the users doesn't change the fact that this software has never respected the users' freedoms.

Another thing to consider is the fact that this software is intended for Microsoft Office, which is also proprietary software.

In the end, nobody is being taught to consider and value their freedom. This story only teaches the reader about a user fee to acquire a proprietary software program.

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