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The Droid, the smartphone released Nov. 6 through a partnership between Motorola, Google and Verizon Wireless, has significantly outpaced other Android handsets in first-week sales, according to one analytics firm -- which said the feat makes the Droid the first viable iPhone challenger.
Now that Google’s Nexus One phone has been revealed, the question everyone is asking is how does it compare to the other current top smartphones on the market, most notably, iPhone and Motorola Droid? Moreover, is it worth switching to Nexus One from your current device?
The delayed Android 2.1 update for the Motorola Droid is starting to tarnish the successful launch of Verizon's first smartphone to run on Google's open source mobile operating system, according to posts at Motorola's Facebook page.
Verizon Wireless sold 250,000 units of its Droid by Motorola phone, according to eWEEK, which has also given the Droid a rave review. Meanwhile, the rumor of a Google-branded Android phone refuses to die, Palm's CEO trash-talks the Droid, and tomorrow Google will unveil its Linux-based Chrome OS, say various reports.
And according to Google VP Andy Rubin, the more the search giant blankets the industry with competing Android-droid based mobile handsets, the more likely Google is to hit its expected value of market dominance over Apple's iPhone.
Magnify the Motorola Droid using a Fresnel lens so that you can watch screencasts on the go. The Droid has excellent resolution (854 by 480) and a lot of storage (16 GB).
We have to commend VzWireless: its "iDon't DROID does" ad campaign sparked plenty of buzz about the Motorola DROID - arguably the first business-targeted Android phone. Over 250,000 DROIDs were sold in just the first week; total sales are expected to top one million by year-end.
Motorola's planned rollout of the Android 2.1 operating system for its popular Droid smartphone has been delayed indefinitely -- with some reports blaming it on the discovery of a serious bug.
Motorola has been involved in open source phones for years, but the Droid running Google Android represents its first opportunity for a home run in some time.