
According to Netcraft, their latest Aug 2007 survey shows more very large gains for Microsoft technologies on the web:
"What does this mean for Apache? Is Apache dying? Is Microsoft set to take top spot as the web platform of choice?
My take on this is a little out left field; let's look at the bigger picture here. What I believe we are seeing here is quite simple--the old client-server fat desktop model of development is dying, and everybody wants to get in on web apps.

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 17 years 31 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 30 weeks ago
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sebyte's picture


17 years 30 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago


I read this article before I logged

I read this article before I logged in which I think is why the site won't let me vote on it... anyway, c733tus is making a damn good point about how the very nature of web application development forces Microsoft to embrace technologies and processes it can't control to the anything like the same degree as it could equivalent technologies and processes on the desktop...

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