AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"Open Komodo is now open! The open source platform for building development environments based on Komodo IDE and featuring the open-sourced code base from Komodo Edit is now available to developers at http://www.openkomodo.com..."
"Open Komodo Project from ActiveState to create Firefox-integrated web developer tools based on the award-winning Komodo IDE [...] The Open Komodo development environment will be entirely open source and licensed under the same terms as Firefox: Mozilla Public License (MPL), GNU General Public License (GPL), and GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL).
"This is a wikified version of the README.txt that accompanies the Open Komodo sources (which should always be the most current version of this document). It tells you how to get started building, using and developing with the Open Komodo source base. Komodo is based on Mozilla, so prepare yourself for some serious build time..."
"Good tools are a developer's dream. I've been hearing the lament for better open source tools for open technology stacks ever since I started working with Mozilla. Today ActiveState is announcing the Open Komodo Project, bringing new open source tools for web developers into the Mozilla world..."
"Paul Rouget and Mariano Cuenze have been pushing forward the Mozpad IDE project, and we’re all jazzed up by the potential of Open Komodo to serve as the basis for an IDE for Mozilla developers..."
I just came across a great Firefox extension called "It's All Text!". Any HTML textarea you see while browsing gets a little edit button on the bottom right corner - clicking it launches your favorite editor (the frst time you use it, it brings you to the preferences screen). For me, that's GNU Emacs.
"Lately, I’ve started digging more and more into Rails, preparing for the start of a Rails powered project. Although there are some IDEs offering decent Rails support(namely NetBeans, Komodo and Aptana Studio) I have always preferred the comfort of Emacs for various reasons. So naturally I embarked on a quest to setup a suitable environment for Rails development in Emacs.