AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Ubucompilator is a simply compiler (relased under gpl v3 )to make, configure, install and make .deb package from sources! With ubucompilator you can save a lot of time to compile a softare or create .deb files!
We have already discussed about Ubucompilator and Debianpackagemaker .This tutorial will show you 2 more new applications for creating Ubuntu .deb packages.
Mandriva has released its first major point update to version 5 of its Mandriva Enterprise Server commercial Linux distribution. According to the company, in addition to all of the previous updates, the latest update focuses on virtualisation and improves integration of Kernel-based Virtual Machine technology
This tutorial explains how you can store the contents of your /etc directory in a version control system (VCS) with the help of etckeeper on Debian Squeeze.
PlayOnLinux 3.8.12 has been released here is some of the changes since the 3.8.11 version.
The following installers have been updated:
- Borderlands (clean-up)
- Bulletstorm (Wine version update)
- Dead Rising 2 (clean-up)
- Dragon Age 2 Demo (Wine version update and bug fix)
- Fallout 3 (installer rewritten from scratch)
- Fallout 3 - DLC (clean-up)
Hi, my name is Chris. I am Ubuntu update-manager addict. I began innocently enough, sometime back in Febuary, I ran ‘update-manager -d‘ to get a peek at Unbuntu Hardy Heron. Since that time I have been unable to resist the little orange “Updates Available” icon. Checking two or three times a day for improved progams, bug fixes, and new features.
The Pidgin developers have released version 2.7.1 of their open source instant messenger application, addressing issues from the previous update and closing a three year old bug related to MSN direct file transfers
"SillyDog701 moderator Edward informed us that SeaMonkey project has released update to SeaMonkey, version 1.1.6 following the Gecko security update released a few days ago..."
I have installed KDE 4 on OpenSUSE 10.3. Today morning, I fired up YAST and found that there was an update available. The KDE4 packages now have version 4.0.X instead of the previous 3.97.X. If its available in YAST that means that KDE team has released the KDE 4.0 final source and OpenSUSE team is quick enough to package them.