AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
This article will describe a configuration of Virtual Private Network connection by using an OpenVPN application. Firstly, you will be exposed to some basic theory behind Virtual Private Networks. Then, the article will guide you with step-by-step instructions on how to setup a OpenVPN virtual private network by using Symmetric Key Encryption and Public Key Encryption.
Ask any knowledgeable mobile user, and she will tell you that the best way to securely access the Internet in public places is through a VPN (virtual private network) connection.
In setting up their wireless connection for the first time, Im discovering many individuals having problems connecting through Network Manager or other GUI wireless connection tools. In fact my Network Manager is intermittently buggy, connecting sometimes and not others.
OpenSSH version 4.3 introduced a new feature: the ability to create on-the-fly "Virtual Private Networks" via the tunnel driver (the so-called "tun" driver). This allows you to create a network interface that bridges two physically disparate network segments in different locations.
My dirty walk-through to setting up an external modem in Linux using wvdial to dial into an ISP connection. I had some trouble finding a single place with a good write-up for doing such a task when I was setting up a Linux box for someone that had previously been using Windows and a little OS X. Finding dialing info, modem configuration, or slight troubleshooting, alone wasn't too difficult, but finding them in one place in a concise manner was. So I have attempted to compile what I have found, my tweaks and adjustments, and other hints that enabled me to setup a Linux box to use a dial up connection via external modem.
An SSL portal isn't as secure as a real VPN (virtual private network) such as OpenVPN, but it's easier to set up and is good for specific functions. The Untangle gateway makes setting up and managing an SSL-based Web portal fast and easy; Eric Geier shows how.
Internet connectivity is one of the important means of communication in todays life. So troubleshooting the problems in our own networks or reconfiguring it for the easiness is not to be praised as a "geekness". In my opinion you don't need to be a geek for setting an internet connection or recovering your machine from a network problem.
VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is remote control software which allows you to view and fully interact with one computer desktop using a VNC viewer on another computer desktop anywhere on the LAN or Internet. The two computers don't even have to be the same type, so for example you can use VNC to view a Windows XP desktop at the office on a Linux or Mac computer at home.
Setting up a network can be fairly quick and easy if you're setting it up with straight Class A, Class B, or Class C network addresses. But, there may be occasions when you would only have a few hosts assigned to a given network segment.