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"An updated version of Parsix GNU/Linux 1.0 code name `Ramon` is available now. Parsix Ramon r1 contains updated packages, several fixes for the reported defects and introduces continent repository..."
Parsix is a Linux distribution based on Debian Testing. It is a community distribution with roots in Iran. It is not as popular as other community distributions, but development is active and well. The only previous review of Parsix on this website was of Parsix 3.2, which was more than a year ago.
The Parsix Linux distribution is derived from KANOTIX, based on the Debian testing branch, and developed by a team in Iran. The distro comes as a live CD with English and Persian languages installed by default and many others available.
The Parsix developers have released version 3.5 of their Parsix GNU/Linux distribution, updating a number of the included packages and the kernel to to version A new experimental USB installer has also been added
Parsix is a Linux distribution based on Kanotix and Debian. It is purely a desktop-focused distribution. The last major release was Parsix 3.0r0 (aka Kev). This review is of Parsix 3.0r2, the second update release of Kev.
Last month the Parsix Linux distribution made its 1.0 release after almost a year of development. Parsix is a GNOME-based distro based on the testing branch of Debian GNU/Linux with elements from Kanotix. It makes an attractive alternative to Ubuntu.
"Alan Baghumian today announced the release of Parsix GNU/Linux 1.5r1, a Debian-based desktop distribution and live CD with Persian support: ..." -- via http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=05020