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MySQL GUI Tools is a suite of graphical desktop applications for working with and administering MySQL servers. The suite consists of three tools: MySQL Query Browser, MySQL Administrator, and MySQL Migration Assistant (available only on Windows). We'll look at the first two to see how well they let us manage MySQL without using the command line.
You might know that beginning with MySQL 5.1.24, support for the NDBCLUSTER storage engine was removed from the standard MySQL server binaries built by MySQL. Therefore, here I'm using MySQL Cluster edition instead of MySQL Community edition.
MySQL father Michael - Monty - Widenius and leading MySQL architect Brian Aker spoke separately at the annual MySQL Con in Santa Clara, California, where they pitched hard their MySQL forks.
If you have set up MySQL replication, you probably know this problem: sometimes there are invalid MySQL queries which cause the replication to not work anymore. In this short guide I explain how you can repair the replication on the MySQL slave without the need to set it up from scratch again.
According to What's New in MySQL 5.6, MySQL 5.6 will bring some performance improvements over MySQL 5.5. If you want to test out MySQL 5.6, you have to install one of the development releases from the MySQL downloads page because there is no stable release yet. This tutorial explains how to install the MySQL 5.6.8rc1 (Linux Generic) development release on an Ubuntu 12.10 server.
I can be an idiot some days. As proof I'll only mention that I thought Sun buying MySQL was a great move. Boy was I wrong. First, the crème de la crème of MySQL's developers and founders started leaving Sun.
But there are better tools for managing your MySQL databases. One of those tools, MySQL Administrator, is actually released by the MySQL developers. This tool will work with any MySQL installation >= 4.0 and makes the daunting task of administrating MySQL databases far easier than any other desktop GUI tool.
"...Marten Mickos has just acknowledge that I understood the slide quite correctly, and they will indeed develop new features in MySQL Enterprise (in 6.0), without making them available in MySQL Community. Hmm!"
Wow, I wasn't expecting this one: Sun is buying MySQL: "the biggest news of the day is... we're putting a billion dollars behind the M in LAMP. If you're an industry insider, you'll know what that means - we're acquiring MySQL AB, the company behind MySQL, the world's most popular open source database."