AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
This article asks what the Python frameworks do when they introspect a test module to discover what tests live inside of it. It also looks at details like how common test setup and teardown is supported, or not supported, by Zope, py.test and nose. Learn how these testing frameworks will support your Python development.
Developers will be introduced to Spring Python and will learn to develop powerful applications after applying concepts of Spring to the environment of Python. Readers will shown how to use the IoC or Dependency Injection container for Python. Using Jython, developers will be able to link Python and Java components together efficiently as well as learn to add security to their Python application.
Today I would like to begin a several part series about quality assurance testing and how it can work with open source software and projects. There are several stages to be aware of and many techniques to accomplish a high level of quality and code coverage.
Python is a great programming language and one of the easiest to learn. That doesn't mean that it isn't capable of powerful stuff, however, because Python is known to handle almost every kind of programming task quite well. From basic scripting to enhanced graphical 3D programs: Python can do it all.
"This version of my Python mode provides support for the
recently-released Python 3 [...] It's lightly tested; please report problems/deficiencies to me..."
Just one week shy of Christmas 2008, the Python world saw the release of version 3 of Python. Big deal, eh? Well ... it turns out it was and is, as Python 3 is the first major release of Python designed from the get-go to be incompatible with prior versions of the language.
"Determined to never code in PHP again, I set out to choose between Ruby and Python. Both have very powerful feature sets for languages that are for the most part scripting languages. Many things went into the decision - a topic for another blog post, but I decided Python was the language I wanted to use moving forward...
Python 2.7 (powerful dynamic programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains) is scheduled to be the last major version in the 2.x series before it moves into an extended maintenance period.
Today is second day of my OpenMoko 2007.2 testing. I do it as part of my work for OpenedHand and this gives me possibility to discuss bugs with applications authors before reporting to get some details