
Moonlight was written in three weeks in June of 2007 by a group of Mono developers working round the clock to fulfil a promise made by Miguel de Icaza. Their aim: to demonstrate Silverlight running on Linux at Microsoft's ReMIX conference show in Paris in the summer of that year.

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animal's picture
Created by animal 14 years 36 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:
lozz's picture


14 years 36 weeks 5 days 1 hour ago


Super-highway, or M$ TOLL-ROAD?

This is an excellent evaluation of the whole Mono/.NET debate.

The best that can be said of Miguel's .NET obsession is that he might possibly be naive and deluded concerning Microsoft's monopoly strategies.

The .NET Framework was introduced by M$ with the intent of converting the information super-highway into a M$-patented toll-road. Such an outcome would have increased Microsoft's power a hundred-fold, or even a thousand times over.

A Free Internet is a medium of fantastic power that easily side-steps the power of the globalised mass-media. It has many enemies that would like to see its Freedoms curtailed and the monopoly-minded M$ is one of their chief allies in this.

The whole idea behind the M$-.NET Framework is diametrically opposed to everything that the Free Software Community stands for.

We don't want to go anywhere in that direction.

There is no excuse for 'M$-Miguel' implementing this technology in the Free Software Community. The intent is totally in Microsoft's interest and Mono only helps to legitimise .NET further.

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