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This is what you get for calling the whole operating system just "Linux". The author confuses the kernel and the whole OS and consequently gives the credit for the development of the whole system to Linus Torvals, a very common misunderstanding. There are other inaccuracies as well, like confuising the concept of Free Software with Freeware and Shareware. I stopped reading from this point on. Not worth the time.
16 years 50 weeks 3 days 2 hours ago
Confused Article
This is what you get for calling the whole operating system just "Linux". The author confuses the kernel and the whole OS and consequently gives the credit for the development of the whole system to Linus Torvals, a very common misunderstanding. There are other inaccuracies as well, like confuising the concept of Free Software with Freeware and Shareware. I stopped reading from this point on. Not worth the time.