AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Version 3.0 of BackTrack has been released. BackTrack is a Linux-based distribution dedicated to penetration testing or hacking (depending on how you look at it). It contains more than 300 of the world's most popular open source or freely distributable hacking tools.
"...Richard Greenblatt is one of the most highly regarded hackers of all time and has been contributing significant and elegant programs since the 1960's when he first entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a student. He is scheduled to give a presentation at the University of Maine at 2:10 p.m.
If you use Solaris or Solaris Express, you may want to also use Wine to install Windows programs. There are few ways, but I will write about my favorite - one that uses SFE repository, which enables you to use other fantastic open source programs not packaged for Solaris yet.
getdeb.net, a leading provider of new and updated programs for Ubuntu is announcing the start of a gaming repository for Ubuntu. The repository Playbuntu will provide all games available on getdeb.net in an easy to use repository format - enabling you to receive updates for your favourite game via the Update Manager tool.
SQL injection attacks can allow hackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands on your database through your Web site. To avoid these attacks, every piece of data supplied by a user on a Web form, through HTTP Post or CGI parameters, or other means, must be validated to not contain information that is not expected.
McKinnon, who said he probed the computers looking for evidence that the US government has knowledge of UFOs, maintains that his hacking never caused any harm.
Access 2000 can work with Wine, but this howto doesn't require Microsoft Access. How to set up Wine to enable Windows programs that read and write to Jet (Access) databases using ODBC. You then can write interactive programs in C which use a full-featured SQL database which comes bundled with Windows. So no need to purchase Microsoft Access.
B-ubuntu is a simple to use script used to install the programs and basic repository on a computer which has been newly installed ubuntu. Is a project that takes 1 year of development and is part of the project apticons, trying to help facilitate the transition from Windows to Ubuntu users.
Germany has just passed a new law that adds more "anti-hacker" provisions to the German criminal code. Although the new rules are meant to apply narrowly to hacking, critics are already complaining that they may prevent necessary security and network research.