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DenyHosts is a tool i use to secure my SSH server from these type of people. Written in python, this tool serves as a very active security guard and helps me to keep my system safe from lots of prying eyes.
DenyHosts is a Python script that analyzes the sshd server log messages to determine what hosts are attempting to hack into your system. It also determines what user accounts are being targeted. It keeps track of the frequency of attempts from each host.DenyHosts is designed for the use by Linux system administrators, the script can be useful to anybody running an sshd server.
The OpenSSH package in the Debian 4.0 "Etch" Linux distribution has been found to still have a vulnerability which may lead to a deliberate or accidental denial of service. Debian has released an update to its OpenSSH packages to remedy the issue.
I agree that Linux is less vulnerable than Windows, but that doesn’t make it immune to attackers. It’s not always about security flaws, buffer overflows or denial of service attacks. I came up with a list of 10 basic rules that should reduce the security risk.
The Perl CPAN Testers have been suffering issues accessing their sites, databases and mirrors. According to a posting on the CPAN Testers' blog, the CPAN Testers' server has been being aggressively scanned by "20-30 bots every few seconds" in what they call "a dedicated denial of service attack."
Do you think your wireless communications are secure? Think again. There is a vulnerability built into the WPA2 protocol itself! It's based on abusing the GTK (Group Temporal Key) and can be used to create man-in-the-middle and denial-of-service attacks. Too few people know this.
Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 7, is currently shipping with a potentially serious defect. Ahead of the product's global launch on Thursday, Germany's federal IT security agency (BSI) has issued a warning about a high-risk vulnerability in the SMB2 protocol. This can be exploited over the network to shut down a computer with a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
Chris Brown attended the jury trial today for us in SCO v. Novell, and he has the details about the mistrial motion, the denial of the motion to allow evidence, and there was testimony today from Kim Madsen and Darl McBride and a deposition played of Steven Sabbath. The mistrial was related to the denial of Novell's motion to allow evidence.