
The MeeGo project is about to celebrate its first birthday, but there may still be Linux and open source developers who aren't quite sure how it relates to other Linux-based distributions for tablets, netbooks, or phones — like Android, Chrome OS, or the netbook remixes of popular desktop distros. MeeGo takes a different approach, aiming to be a vendor-neutral Linux platform for a variety of devices. If you're a developer, that is a key distinction, because it means it is easier to get started writing or porting apps to MeeGo, even digging in to the platform itself.

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JRepin's picture
Created by JRepin 13 years 33 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 33 weeks ago
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mariuz's picture


13 years 33 weeks 4 days 20 hours ago


the irony

I know that meego will continue but it's now ironic to see how it all go with meego in the future

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