AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
This tutorial series will take you through some tips and tricks on migrating from MS Office to OpenOffice.org 2.4. You'll see how to replicate some of the functionality and features that are lacking in OpenOffice.org. Soon you'll be more comfortable using OpenOffice.org for just about all your desktop publishing needs.
Linux has all kinds of great networking abilities built-in; Carla Schroder shares some tips and tricks for navigating multiple computers at home or in an office, and keeping your files where they belong.
We're back again with more tips and tricks on transitioning to OpenOffice.org (OOo). We've covered a lot of ground already; we've added features, figured out how to do things in OOo that differ from MS Office, and tried to make you more comfortable during your transition.
Arch has been my primary Linux distribution for two years and I dual boot it with Windows XP on my Thinkpad. I like Arch for its KISS principle, good speed and repository full of latest stable packages. According to Arch Wiki , Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for intermediate and advanced Linux users.
As a Linux distro addict, I’ve heard of Arch many times over the years but for some reason, I’d never actually given it a shot. In particular, one aspect that’s always interested me has been Arch’s homegrown package management system, pacman. Today we’ll be finding out what Arch is all about.
It’s Friday and that means we’re all ready for the weekend. But that also means we’re ready for some fun. Because of that I thought it would be fitting to do an article on some of the cooler Linux tips and tricks that I have come across over the years.
I've barely put down the Palm Pre since it arrived at my desk this week, and I've come up with quite a few Pre tips, tricks and shortcuts, the best of which I'm sharing below.
1. Play youtube videos directly in Totem Movie Player (Hardy):
2. Another tip: i recently find out that by holding the mouse over audio files:
3. To customize most of the colors of your ubuntu:
4. To refresh the gnome panel:
5. To find out the UUID of your partitions: