"...Okay, now, how about this one … do you work with (or even just read) XHTML? Probably, if you’re involved in XML work, your HTML conforms to a great degree to the formal XHTML standard. Good enough. How about CSS 2.1? Sure, who doesn’t. Okay, here’s a biggy -how about XMLHttpRequest? You do AJAX work? Good for you. XForms - well, that one’s a little less prominent, but yeah, it’s beginning to appear. SVG? Hmmm … again, kind of touch and go, but even after a few hard years SVG’s by no means dead yet. The occasional XSLT - Google’s doing some nice work in getting their Javascript based AJAXSLT up and running, which means that those few browsers that don’t support XSLT (and XPath) natively should be able to support it via an AJAX layer. Oh, and perhaps through in XSL-FO for good measure, as it continues its quiet but relentless march into becoming a mainstream format.
So, do you work with CDF? You betcha. The Compound Document Format was set up as a way of tying together at a minimum all of those technologies described above into a single cohesive whole. Put another way, it’s a fancy way of describing the core suite of W3C document standards into a cohesive whole, although it does place some fairly minor requirements on usage in order to provide a consistent standard..."
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