AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Handing out business cards is an important form of networking. Follow this how-to by opening the blank business card template and make you own business cards easily.
A new big change is being discussed on the Ayatana mailing list: single click for opening files and folders in Ubuntu (not Kubuntu - which already uses single click for opening files and folders).
I am experiencing problems with most of my KDE4 applications installed in my Fedora 11 box. I've recently installed digikam, konqueror, konversation, ktorrent etc. and everytime I open each of these applications, its always opening in full screen mode.
Seems like ATI/AMD did the absolute right thing with opening up their drivers and/or hardware specs, following the good example of Intel. The good news of the day are:
When you want to launch a virtual machine in VirtualBox, you must first run VirtualBox and then start the VM. Here is how to create shortcuts to launch virtual machines in VirtualBox without opening the main program window:
Microsoft’s operating systems keep needing more and more resources, but consumers keep wanting cheaper and more portable hardware, hardware for which Vista is not well suited. This creates an opening for Linux, because it does not demand as many resources and is costs nothing.
On the same day that I read that the South Africa standards body has filed an official appeal against the approval of OOXML with ISO/IEC, I find Patrick Durusau has written the following outrageous words [PDF] regarding Microsoft's announcement it will support ODF, and trust me when I tell you the opening is just a taste:
At his opening keynote at the Red Hat Summit in Boston, Whitehurst said the company needs to start preaching to its customers to share their internally developed code with others.
The main chore that you'll want to be handled via the GNOME Do is opening applications. Summon it with Super+Space, type a few letters and in a blink of an eye it will start guessing the program you want to launch.