AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"I was asked to find an inline “code editor” which means a script or a flash widget or a (shudder) applet that allows for editing of code (PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS) inside an application. There are a lot of inline Rich Text editors and even some WYSIWYG editors, but the online editor that allows you to properly code inside an HTML document is CodePress."
Today's Web development tools offer capabilities that go beyond basic HTML editing. I compared three Web editors for Linux -- Screem 0.16.1, Bluefish 1.0.7, and Quanta Plus 3.5.7 -- to determine how well they handle today's Web editing needs.
Some web browsers don’t fully respect web standards and many WYSIWYG HTML editors produce absolutely revolting code. W3C set out standards as to how HTML (and XHTML etc) should appear and whilst some choose to ignore these, some are devoted to the following of these standards.
HTML Purifier is a project that helps you ensure that HTML is valid and does not contain cross-site scripting attempts or other nasty attacks. With HTML Purifier you can allow users to post HTML content without letting them insert nasty code that will run in the browser of anyone viewing that HTML.
The WHATWG has said that parts of HTML 5 will be incorporated into browsers as and when they are finalized. We won't need to wait until the whole specification is completed and approved to start using some of the features of HTML 5. But what are the features of HTML 5?
There were some excellent suggestions about very good blog editors for the GNU/Linux platform provided in the comments section of my previous post Five Desktop Blog Editors for GNU/Linux Users. So much so that I have decided to compile a second list of desktop blog editors for GNU/Linux platform.
I spent the last few days reading The Craft of Text Editing, a book on the design of text editors.It focuses mainly on editors based on Emacs, but many of the principles apply to all other text editors [...] Since most people spend a large portion of their time inside of their text editor, I believe it is important to understand the basic
Rosalyn Hunter writes about using Composer as a stand-in word processor. I too, have used it in this fashion on OS X. I like it for various reasons. For instance, I’m quite familiar with it, as I’ve used it for website authoring numerous times. It creates HTML files.