AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Blue GNU interviews Alexandre Oliva to learn about Free Software Foundation - Latin America. After a bit of a stuttering start, the FSFLA is definitely well under way and making strong progress.
This year has already seen the second release of gNewSense, the completely free distribution endorsed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), and the announcement that Ubuntu will have a free software option as part of its installation program.
"Just returning from the LibrePlanet 2009 conference, I had the opportunity to talk to some of the most hardcore software freedom advocates and see their reactions to the single largest regional implementation of free software in the real world anywhere on earth, in Latin America..."
In-fighting within the open source community needs to stop or risk further alienating companies, attendees at the Cape IT Initiative's (CITI) FOSS event heard last week.
"Latin America is emerging as a real hotbed of not only free software coding, but free software uptake by governments - to an extent that puts the UK's pathetic bumblings in this area quite to shame." Glyn Moody interviews Ryan Bagueros of northxsouth.com about the Latin American free software revolution and North-by-South, a company that is giving US businesses access to this incredible phenomeno
Despite having recently been cast as the villain of the piece by some high profile members of the Free and Open Source Software community, IBM has just revealed itself as actually being something of a crime-fighting superhero.
Three free softwares developed in Latin America are between the finalists of the SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards. They are Elastix from Ecuador, Medical from Argentina and Process Maker from Bolivia. We already published about Elastix here at our blog and we will be publishing more information about Medical and Process Maker.
"...Now is the time to join and give to Free Software Foundation. 2008 is going to be extraordinarily important year for free software.
Eben Moglen likes to quote Gandhis first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win progression when describing the free software movement. As I pointed out when I joined the FSF board, were beginning to see powerful interests fighting free software. Its going to increase in the next few years. Things will probably get a lot uglier for free software before they get better. We can win but things are far from settled. The FSF is the front-line organization in this fight and we need a robust and proactive foundation, and an active and involved membership, if were going to win.