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I’ve noticed that Linux newbies take so much pride with their newly installed distro that they will most likely spend a lot of time searching the web for Linux-themed desktop wallpapers. So, I decided to provide here or share some of the best (in my own opinion) Linux wallpapers that I have collected before. I hope you will like a few of them, at least. Here are my "25 Coolest Linux Wallpapers" in no particular order
15 Awesome Mandriva Wallpapers: We've featured several distro-specific wallpapers before, like our awesome Slackware wallpapers collection and a number of cool Ubuntu wallpapers. This time, I'll be giving tribute to one of the best Linux distributions (currently topping our "Best Linux Distro of the Decade" poll) around, by sharing with you yet another set of beautiful desktop wallpapers.
Discover Cool Wallpapers for your desktop. Whether it be fedora, Ubuntu, gos, centos, kubuntu, gentoo, damn vulnerable Linux or anything else, you can find respective wallpapers here. Linux Wallpapers
First there were Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" mock-up designs, now showing up are tons of user-created wallpapers dedicated to the next major release version of this popular Linux distribution. If you are interested, let me show you some of those wallpapers here.
If you want some high-quality Linux wallpapers for your large monitors, you can visit my collection of “25 Coolest Linux Wallpapers”. However, if you happen to own a netbook, it is best to use medium-sized wallpapers that are optimized for small display.
Linux Mint is one of the most popular Ubuntu based distro’s, possibly for the fact it brings something new to the table rather than just a different set of wallpapers. Its always been one of my favorite distros.
Before, we have shared our collection of high-quality and good-looking Linux wallpapers for all the Linux fans. This time around, let's show some love to each and every BSD zealots out there and provide them some of the finest BSD wallpapers in existence. So without delay, here are the 25 cool and geeky BSD wallpapers
There are plenty of high-quality Linux wallpapers that you can get on the web, but not that much for the good-old GNU (GNU's Not Unix). So, I decided to take some time to find and collect a few of my favorite GNU wallpapers in existence. Here they are in no particular order:
It's been a long time since we've featured here some cool Linux wallpapers. In case you've just tuned in, we have shared several Linux-related wallpapers already