It's not often I get so excited about a gadget delivery that I keep my eyes peeled for the postman. But when I heard an ASUS EEE PC was on the way, I was desperate to get my hands on it and start tapping away....
So what's so special about it, I hear you ask. Well, where do I start?...
The crucial thing about the Eee is rather than running on Windows, it uses a Linux operating system. Now I'm a Microsoft man through and through, I've never been able to face switching from XP or Vista to the likes of OS X on an Apple. There's safety in what you know....
At this price, it's one of the bargains of the decade and certainly one of the best pieces of techno-kit in any genre. –
Created by candtalan 17 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 15 weeks ago
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