AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
History is a master list of historical events in the free gaming community organized by years, then by months. They are compiled from various articles on the Libregamewiki.
Information included in here are release date, contests that took place, when projects are started, and much more.
Nuxified.org and Cluenet.org are preparing to hold a Free Software gaming tournament. Its purpose is to promote gaming in the Free Software world, on operating systems such as GNU/Linux, and *BSD and show that gaming is not limited to proprietary platforms such as Microsoft's Windows.
As a holiday bonus, we're featuring some offbeat articles from Gamasutra's sister sites that you might have missed - including GameSetWatch columnist Alistair Wallis chatting to the Linux Gaming Tome's Bob Zimbinski about the state of gaming for the free OS.
"Some folks from Free Culture at Virginia Tech came up with and, more impressively, actually started a Free Culture Gaming club! Every week Free Culture Gaming will get together to play free games online with other free culture aficionados. All of the games we play will be 100% free software and free content, as per our standards..." --
* Free Culture at Virginia Tech: http://vt.freeculture.org/
A bit of a discussion on upcoming technologies in the Syntensity FOSS gaming platform, and some suggestions as to how it could make a complete gaming experience that would help loosen Valve's deathgrip on the online gaming industry, using Free Software.
We are excited to make the final preliminary announcement of Freedomware Gamefest 2007, a first international online event featuring a multitude of tournaments as part of a single happening and with games that are only Free Software.