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Here is a collection of gnome panel applets that I have found in the repositories, installed applets can be viewed and added to your gnome panel via right click on an empty panel space then click "Add to Panel"
While there are a good number of gnome applets to choose from by default, there are piles of other applets you can find online to install. The following are a list of four of my favorites I use on my various Linux systems around my house.
I recently upgraded to Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 Lucid Lynx (previously Ubuntu Netbook Remix) on my netbook and noticed the Gnome Panel was locked. Here is a work-around which will allow you to add or remove applets from the Gnome Panel in Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 Lucid Lynx.
In the previous article, I explained how to install Avant Window Navigator in Ubuntu Linux (Gutsy Gibbon). By default, it doesn't install any applets. But a dock without any applets is as boring as a desktop without a dock right? So here are a couple of AWN applets which I found really interesting. But first the installation ...
Have you ever gone through the items listed in the "add to panel" option? If not, then you are missing one of the finest GNOME features. It has a great number of some really useful applets.
With openSUSE 11.2 right around the corner, let’s take a look at what’s new and interesting in the GNOME desktop for this release. Highlights include a preview of GNOME 3.0, new applets and application updates, and the incredibly attractive Sonar theme new for 11.2.
This was something pretty much obvious, but now Mark Shuttleworth confirmed it: the Unity panel won't allow any kind of customizations. That means not only that you won't be able to add/edit applets like in Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 (which could be easily "fixed"), but the user won't even be able to right click the applets to move them or whatever - nothing will happen upon right-clicking.