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Mozilla plans to release a patched version of its latest browser, to be named Firefox 3.5.1, in response to certain bugs that have revealed themselves following Firefox 3.5's June 30 release.
Firefox 3.6, which had been expected by the end of the year, has been delayed with a release now expected in the "first quarter of 2010". The news comes from the Mozilla Wiki where "Ship Firefox 3.6" has now been carried over as a goal for the first three months of 2010.
Mozilla Firefox has revealed the date for their Guinness World Record attempt for the most software downloads in 24 hours. Mark your calendars! June 17 is the big day.
Although Firefox 3.5 (formerly Firefox 3.1) is still in beta, Mozilla is already developing Firefox 3.6 code-named Namoroka. Slated for an early-to-mid 2010 release, the browser will be marketed as Firefox.next (FX) moniker in a nod to new technologies set to take Firefox to the next level.
Mozilla had planned to release its new "Shiretoko" version of Firefox in early 2009, but with the scale of changes made to the open-source browser, a date halfway through the year now looks more realistic.
Mozilla Corp. yesterday announced it will add another beta to the Firefox 3.1 development schedule, a move that will push the browser's ship date to the second quarter or later.
When Mozilla released the Firefox browser in 2004, Microsoft's Internet Explorer dominated the market with a whopping 95 percent share. Now Firefox has 18 percent of the market and Apple's Safari has another 6 percent.
Firefox 3.6.4 is the last major release before the eventual Firefox 4.0, to be released in Nov 2010. Release candidate of Firefox 3.6.4 was available for download on the last week of May 2010, and it was expected that the final release of Firefox 3.6.4 would happen in the first week of June 2010.
"The first Firefox 3 Release Candidate is now available for download. This milestone is focused on testing the core functionality provided by many new features and changes to the platform scheduled for Firefox 3.