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This article intends to select and briefly review 8 of the most useful applications which come by default with Kubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' (the LTS release which comes with KDE 3.5.9), as included on the Live CD. The first which I include is Amarok, the default audio player in Kubuntu and also one of the most popular (if not the most popular) player for Linux.
The Kubuntu team announced on Saturday (February 21) the second maintenance release of Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), which is supported with security fixes and maintenance updates until October 2009. Kubuntu 8.04.2 brings to its dedicated users a lot of security updates and corrections (over 200), all with a single goal: to keep Kubuntu 8.04 a stable and reliable Linux distribution!
You now have the chance to test out KDE 4.1 Beta 1 in Kubuntu and Ubuntu Hardy Heron. To top it off KDE 4 PIM packages that contain applications such as Kontact, KMail, KOrganizer, and Akregator are also included.
Reports of beta testing for 8.04 LTS seem very positive all round, to the great credit of the desktop and server teams who have been working so hard to make Hardy Heron rock. I have been running Hardy on my laptop through most of the cycle, but took the plunge on my home firewall and desktop (Kubuntu) machine this weekend.
The first news in this talk was that Kubuntu will not ship with KDE 4 as the default version for the next two (!) Kubuntu reasons. This is due to the fact that the next version of Kubuntu, Gutsy, will not include KDE 4 because it will not be ready till then.
Kubuntu is the community developed, KDE-based version of Ubuntu. The latest edition, Kubuntu 10.10, was released on 10.10.2010, the same day that Ubuntu 10.10 and other Canonical-sponsored distributions were released. In this article, I present a detailed review of this KDE distribution.
Well, it's that time of year again. The time of year when the Ubuntu faithful crash servers everywhere trying to download the newest version of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, or derivative (all at the same time). So instead of doing my usual column, I'm listing what's new in the latest release of Kubuntu and everything that it offers.
For my recent review of the latest KDE 4 release candidate, I used an OpenSUSE Live CD image. I've gotten a few e-mails this morning from readers who are looking for an equivalent Live CD based on Kubuntu, so I figured I'd take this opportunity to point out that the Kubuntu KDE 4 RC 2 Live CD was released yesterday. A KDE 4 PPA repository is also available for Kubuntu 7.10 users.