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Inspired by QuickSilver for Mac OS X, Katapult is an application launcher for KDE designed to allow faster access to applications, bookmarks, and other items. It is plugin-based, so it can launch anything that is has a plugin for. Its display is driven by plugins as well, so its appearance is completely customizable. It was inspired by Quicksilver for OS X.
There are quite a few good launcher utilities out there that can make a great addition to your productivity arsenal. Gnome Do is probably the most popular, but if you are looking for something less flashy and more streamlined, try Launchy.
The thing I love about Linux is the number of really terrific programs it has. There are thousands! And some are really unique and just plain slick! One such program is Katapult! Katapult is a program launcher. Simply by running Katapult in the system tray, you can call it up by double clicking its icon or by the keyboard command of "alt" and the space bar.
We’re all swamped with information: emails, documents, pictures and the hundreds of websites we visit every week. There are two ways to deal with the data overload: Get organised and file everything in its right pace. Or you can use GNOME Do, a desktop launcher for Ubuntu in the style of Launchy for Windows and Katapult for KDE, which acts as your humble servant and finds exactly what you’re looking for when you’re looking for it.
Launchy and GNOME Do are both two launcher programs that are designed to let you quickly open applications and files and perform tasks you want done quickly, with just the tapping of a few keys.
Previously, Launchy had been an open source solution, albeit for Windows only, and GNOME Do was the Linux solution.
If you like to keep your hands on the keyboard, you may find it tricky to launch new apps, open folder and documents, and change tracks in your music playlist. Katapult is an application launcher that does everything the Alt-F2 run dialog does, and much more.
The Launchy developers have released version 2.5 of their cross-platform application launcher utility, adding support for Mac OS X and new shortcut keys and controls