This is a Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 on Linux with Wine howto. This guide shows you how to install and run IE 8 on Linux with wine. The guide also has code samples and screenshots and step by step instructions. Windows Internet Explorer 8 is the latest web browser developed by Microsoft in the long running Internet Explorer browser series.
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15 years 17 weeks 2 days 9 hours ago
Hot proprietary on free action
This article boils down to 'how to install this non-free browser in linux'. Downvoted.
15 years 17 weeks 2 days 4 hours ago
Just crazy
All this trouble to get Microsoft's notoriously insecure, buggy browser, working in an OS that comes with the world's most secure and frequently updated browsers as default.
This is drastically downgrading your system for no advantage whatsoever.
Don't do it!
(Also DOWN-voted)
15 years 17 weeks 2 days 1 min ago
Useful for web designers though
Isn't this useful for web designers though? If you are a web designer working on GNU/Linux you still need to make sure you design for IE. So this is an alternative way of testing rather than having a virtual machine or dual boot set up.
15 years 17 weeks 3 hours 56 min ago
User-oriented remark
Naturally, my remarks were intended for the average user. Web designers normally understand the methods they can employ to check their rendering in the curious IE perspective