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* What's New in Amarok
* Google and Amarok
* Roktober Success
* Interview with a Developer: Bart Cerneels
* Automated Playlist Generator: How to Use it
* Queue Manager in Amarok
* Installing and using a script in Amarok
* Amarok on Windows
* Transcode your media files
* Amarok Live CD"
So I’ve just installed Amarok 2.1. Configured my collection location easy enough, downloaded the alarm script from the scripts library. I know exactly how I want Amarok 2 to look: Exactly like Amarok 1.4.
I was catching up on some feeds yesterday, and this piece of news caught my eye - Amarok 2.1 released. Being a long time Amarok fan ( heck Amarok itself was catalyst to make me use my SUSE 10.0 use full time) - I read the article with great interest.
Amarok was my favorite for a long time. But when the new Amarok 2.0 series started coming in, I was left with no option but to leave my beloved music player in Ubuntu. Amarok 1.4 was by far the best music player I ever had in Linux. After a long time I gave a try at the latest Amarok 2.3.1 in Ubuntu, and I have to say, this is impressive work.
Ubuntu 8.10 is coming by default with Amarok 1.4.1 in the repository. I decided to install version 2. To do this, we need to install it from “deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main” repository. This small tutorial will show you how to do it using graphical tools and using commands lines.
Amarok was my favorite among Linux media players, until Amarok 2.0 series started coming in. I totally understand that Amarok 2.0 series is a complete rewrite and I really appreciate the effort they have put on upgrading Amarok. But the bottom line is, Amarok 2.0 series is not there yet.
With the very latest on Amarok 2 development ( with more screenshots than you can snake a stick at ), past and future events, news on Amarok 2 on Mac and a wall sized Amarok logo, issue 12 of the "Amarok Insider" is a a great read for anyone curious about what cool and unique new features Amarok 2.0 will bring.