AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
The port of gNewSense to MIPS for the Lemote Yeeloong laptop, 100% supported by free software, is almost complete. Buy the Yeeloong and help test it so the Yeeloong + gNewSense can be recommended as the ultimate free software laptop.
"The Free Software Foundation is searching for people to port gNewSense to MIPS architecture for the purpose of make it function on the Lemote laptop..."
"I recently wrote about the Aspire 6930G and how it runs very well under the latest Ubuntu release. In an effort to find out whether I could run this laptop with 100% Free Software I decided to give gNewSense a test run on it..."
So gNewSense 2.0 came out a few days ago as the gNewSense crew is tracking Ubuntu LTS releases. Of course, the bad part is that there is no upgrade path from gNewSense 1.0 to 2.0. Ubuntu recommends upgrading by going from release to release so upgrading is not feasible (or is too hard for the developers to implement) so freedom lovers need to have a good backup strategy.
"gNewSense DeltaH was released today, and we are pleased to offer preconfigured Workstations, Portable Systems, ThinkCentres, Laptops, and Servers, as well as fully customized Core 2 Duo, Athlon 64, Xeon, and Opteron computers, preinstalled with the latest gNewSense GNU/Linux operating system.
Add gNewSense as an answer and vote for loading gNewSense on lenovo as the default os.
A GNU/Linux distribution, that takes all the non-free blobs out of a rather popular distribution and makes it free.
gNewSense 2.3 is derived from Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) and has a comprehensive list of software pre-installed for your enjoyment. I chose GnewSense as it proudly contains 100% free software.
In November, you’ll be able to buy a new laptop that’s spillproof, rainproof, dustproof and drop-proof. It’s fanless, it’s silent and it weighs 3.2 pounds. One battery charge will power six hours of heavy activity, or 24 hours of reading.