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Using Bash Shell Scripts for Twitter Updates and Information Posting These scripts are used to both send tweets from the command line and to automate information to your Twitter account. You can use your Linux server or desktop to help present useful information to your account, not Spam. This creates a way to present tips, FAQ, and other information to people as they follow your account.
Previously, the way to connect to Twitter using Pidgin (IM client for yahoo, google talk, msn, etc), was to use a jabber account like google chat, then add Twitter. But Twitter shut down the Jabber service. So it doesn’t work anymore. But now, Pidgin-microblog can do the trick.
The first thing that I did after I got a Twitter account was look for a desktop client for Linux. Unfortunately, I only found a few, and most them are still under development and their features are anemic.
Twitter is a social networking platform that keeps you in conversation by allowing you and your friends to follow each others' updates. The service lets users post and read 140-character updates, called tweets. With Twitter, you can do social networking on the fly, from your mobile phone or at your desktop, from a Web browser or a Twitter client.
If you've been using Twitter through its website, I recommend that you use a desktop client instead to further enhance your twitting experience. Since Twitter has become immensely popular, there are tons and tons of available desktop applications that support this great micro-blogging service.
Most Twitter and other micro-blogging clients use the same interface as Twitter.com, but two new free software clients make Twitter easy to use from the command-line or an IRC client.
TTYtter is a console console Twitter client. It's not an application but a python script that allows you to use Twitter just like any advanced Twitter client, but within a terminal. And it's not just for posting tweets, but has advanced options like any other well-known Twitter desktop client.