If you run Ubuntu, openSUSE, Debian, or Mandriva, among other distributions, then whenever you run OpenOffice.org you don't run the "official" version, but rather Go-OO, an office suite based on the OpenOffice.org source code. Go-OO includes enhancements and functions that haven't been accepted by Sun, and that may never be, because of licensing, business, or other reasons.
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Created by john.brubrick 16 years 13 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 13 weeks ago
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16 years 13 weeks 18 hours 27 min ago
No thanks. I prefer OpenOffice.org.
Personally, I don't care if Novell is a villain or not. Creating a fork of OpenOffice.org is a bad idea. I strongly recommend against using Novell's go-OO fork.
OpenOffice.org 3.0 is an outstanding program, and I highly recommend it. It is available from http://www.openoffice.org/
16 years 13 weeks 31 min 11 sec ago
Nobody cares which version it is as long as it works
Everyone uses the version that comes with their distro. It the Windows way to download and maintain individual softwares. In GNU/Linux every one uses the version that comes bundled or available through their repos. I bet 99% of Ubuntu and Debian users are using Go-OO without even noticing it.
Freedom is worth a sacrifice - RMS