
If you want to share your music with your family , freinds or neighbours .. then GNUMP3d can do this job for you with one click. GNUMP3d is a streaming server for MP3s/, OGG vorbis files, movies and other media formats. In this tutorial we will try to setup a GNUMP3d server for mp3/media streaming.

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sexybeast's picture
Created by sexybeast 14 years 51 weeks ago
Category: End User   Tags:
stargrave's picture


14 years 51 weeks 1 day 18 hours ago


Do not use patented formats

People should not use patented formats as they are very dangerous. If we look at MP3 it has another reason to avoid: technically it is ancient (starting of 90's! AFAIR). So why there is need to stream it? Nothing better than to use Icecast server and stream non-patented fully free and technically much more advanced OGG container with Vorbis (maybe CELT will be better) stream in it.

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