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Now a days most of devices comes with bluetooth facilty. If you have a mobile phone and a Laptop, You must Blueman, It will help you a lot.
Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
Blueman is designed to be simple and intuitive for everyday bluetooth
Ever wanted to use your bluetooth phone, keyboard, mouse or other system in Linux but been frustrated by the fiddly set-up? Check this story for a screencast of bluetooth done right in Linux (Fedora), with information on how to take advantage of this in the up-coming Fedora 8 release.
Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth Manager.Blueman is designed to provide simple, yet effective means for controlling BlueZ API and simplifying bluetooth tasks such as: Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up; Connecting to/Creating bluetooth networks
Connecting to input devices; Connecting to audio devices; Sending/Receiving/Browsing files via OBEX; Pairing
Bluetooth support has always been shaky in gnome. The default bluetooth manager is often very basic and unintuitive. Things like connecting to an audio or input device and Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up were either impossible or not easy and straight forward to set-up.
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 11.0. The 11.0 release of openSUSE includes more than 200 new features specific to openSUSE, a redesigned installer that makes openSUSE even easier to install, faster package management thanks to major updates in the ZYpp stack, and KDE 4, GNOME 2.22, Compiz Fusion, and much more.
One of the main 3rd party packages for KDE is the KDEBluetooth suite. It is the graphical interface to Bluetooth for KDE. The KDE 4 port was now released in a first test version.
I have mentioned before that I use a number of Bluetooth peripherals with my portable computers. This is one of those things where, the more I use it the more I like it.
A simple Python program to simplify control of the AcerHK radio's - Wifi and Bluetooth. It enables users to turn on / off the Bluetooth and Wifi Radios. It depends on the AcerHK driver to function.
I opened up my Acer Aspire One again after a prolonged interval while I was involved in a very different project and was puzzled to discover that Live Update was offering me a "Bluetooth patch". It's not just that the hardware doesn't have Bluetooth...