AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Linux is known for letting users configure settings to customize nearly every aspect of their desktops. In the past, this has largely been relegated to the more advanced crowd, since it often required editing text-based configuration files; but as Linux becomes more mature, many GUI programs are being written to allow easy customization of the user interface. The Nautilus Actions Configuration utility is one such program that lets you add custom commands to the right-click menu in Nautilus, the default file manager in Gnome.
Here is a blog article which explain subversion configuration in a simple way. This article may be a starting point for beginners in subversion. It seems that the author will soon post advanced configuration details also.
about:config page contains most of Firefox configuration options as you know.So it is the most powerful and effective way to tweak and enhance your Firefox experience. Here is 17.
Firefox lets you tinker with many of its internal settings by entering about:config in the address bar. The preference settings exposed on that page let you make many changes, but the tabular interface is not exactly user-friendly. One alternative, the Preferential extension improves matters only slightly.
Some people will argue with me in that these GNU/Linux distributions are as advanced as you want them to be. Well, of course Linux is all about choice. I took the user base perspective though and what I have for you today is a few distros which do not hide the manual (or for people like me, beautiful) underlying configuration.
In this article I will overview several add-ons for Firefox which I consider useful and are also popular among Firefox users. The article is divided into two parts, the first one containing add-ons for users which are not necessarily tech-savy, while in the second I will mention add-ons for advanced users or web developers. The article applies for the current Firefox version, which is 19.0.
SYSSTAT is a software application comprised of several tools that offers advanced system performance monitoring. It provides the ability to create a measurable baseline of server performance, as well as the capability to formulate, accurately assess and conclude what led up to an issue or unexpected occurrence.
QuoteURLText and Copy Plain Text are not the most advanced Firefox extensions out there, but they sure can save you a lot of time if you do a lot of copying and pasting from Web pages to other documents. As any Firefox user knows, the copy operation grabs not only the selected text fragment but also all the formatting.
"Firefox offers a great way of changing hundreds of settings by opening about:config in the address bar. The downside is that many users feel overwhelmed by this way of changing the Firefox configuration simply because it lists so many of them. I did not look through all the available settings but found ten lesser known parameters that I would like to introduce today. Lesser known means that they have not been mentioned on every “Tweak Firefox” article on the net - yet..."