There are literally thousands of games that can be played on Linux, if you're a casual gamer or hardcore Linux fan who is looking to have a bit of fun on your favourite distro, there's plenty of games to choose from.
If you are unsure what to get, this list will help you out. This list includes all the popular and free high quality games that runs on Linux natively, from action/first-person shooters to real-time and turn-based strategy games to rpg/mmorpg etc.
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13 years 32 weeks 4 hours 54 min ago
Half of those are proprietary!
And the licenses aren't even mentioned...
13 years 31 weeks 3 days 12 hours ago
Not to mention
They mostly seem to be "shooter" games. Can't gamers even begin to think of anything else!
They're all a bunch of trainee terrorists. Even this current Norwegian boob lists World of Warcraft among his training manuals. As they all do!