AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Rick, you miss one point: free software is about freedom, not price. Hackers insist on freedom even when it is inconvenient...
My mission today is to teach you to value these freedoms... Please, try to learn this philosophy. Free Software is a movement that one day you will rejoin ;)
"Steve Yegge's inspiring Emacs post has urged me to finally get my ass in gear and get some work done on maintaining the Rails on Emacs mode. The current emacs-rails mode is available from Rubyforge and I have cloned the current version of it to github at http://github.com/tomtt/emacs-rails/edit ..."
Phil Hagelberg: «rails.el is much more featureful, but in my daily experience most of its features go unused. Rinari is only the stuff that I use day to day. Because of this it's much lighter and easier to maintain, but some people may find that they miss the features that it leaves out. I won't say which is better overall since they are really targeted at different audiences.»
"I have decided to fully rewrite rails-emacs because this project began as a small set of functions, expanding it is more and more and more. The code became very confused, addition of new opportunities and
correction of bugs has turned to a headache..."
"If you haven’t looked at the state of Rails documentation lately, it’s time to look again. The new Ruby on Rails Guides page includes 14 separate guides for Rails developers, with topics ranging from “Getting Started” to routing, security, testing, and debugging.
"There’s a brand new version of Rails coming, as you already know. What better time for a new version of some of the Rails documentation? So the Rails Guides team is pleased to announce a refresh of the Ruby on Rails Guides site, just in time for the Rails 2.3 release..." -- -- see also: Rinari: Ruby on Rails Minor Mode for Emacs